Saturday, October 25, 2008

Karter with a "K"

And Lionel sitting in Karter's new rocker!

Our New Home Cont...

Our New Home

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lionel Loves His Brother

I grabbed the camera because my boys were playing so nicely together. Karter was doing tummy time and Lionel was doing what he does best - pulling the stuffing out of the animal. All of a sudden Lionel couldn't resist licking the drool running down Karter's mouth. Check out Bubby in the background saving her grandson from Lionel kisses.

My BIG Boy

Here is what my weekly email said about - Week 13 of Your Baby's Development
"At three months old, babies usually range from 22 inches long and 9.75 pounds (10th percentile) to 24.5 inches long and 14 pounds (90th percentile). "

Karter weighs 15 pounds and 11 onces and is 26.5 inches long - OFF THE CHARTS!!

Here is Karter with Carolyn on Sunday Oct 12. Check out how long he is...

Tummy Time

Monday, October 6, 2008