Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just when you thoughts things were going just as planned..

THINGS CHANGE. My last blog entry I said Karter was putting himself to sleep. Well that lasted about 3 days. We started sleep training and are Ferberizing him. The first night went a lot better than I anticipated. The longest bout was an hour from 2:30 to 3:30 the first night. He only cried 3 mins for his morning nap. I will keep you posted on his progress but for now I am a happy mom. Thank you Maslowsky's, Kollarus's, Melly, Today, and Sarah for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you.

Craig and I went to Monica's wedding Sat night and we had a blast! Karter stayed with Grandpa Joe and Nana. Aunt Sandy and Mare got to meet Karter for the first time.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Last week Karter started to grab and reach for his toys. He's been "talking" more and more lately and squeals in delight and excitement.

He'll only sleep in his crib during nap time (no more swing naps!) and is finally on a set schedule which gives me almost 6 hours of sleep!

All my parenting bookstalk about how important it is for babies to put them self to sleep - meaning put them in their crib while they're still awake and they should be able to fall asleep on their own without rocking, bouncing or patting. I never thought Karter would be able to... BUT just recently he has been!!

Last Stop on Barb & Joe's X Country Road Trip - Suffern, NY

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Karter's 1st Halloween

A happy bug ....

The whole family went trick or treating to meet our neighbors. Karter enjoyed the nice weather and we got to meet some young couples with children Karter's age. A very sucessful first Halloween!

A Happy baby boy in his first halloween outfit...

A not so Happy bug in Gymboree...

Connie the Gymboree teacher with and his friend Hailey.. again Karter having a blast at Gymboree