Monday, March 29, 2010


Look at those faces!!

FL in March

Karter and I went to FL with my mom, dad cousin Jodi, Noah and Julia. Karter had so much fun having other kids around for 5 days straight. Julia and Karter played so nicely together! Julia loved taking care of Karter - and Karter loved imitating Juilia and parallel playing with the both of them. This tells me Karter is READY for a brother or a sister!

Lion Counrty Safari

Karter's love for animals made this car ride so exciting. We did a driving safari tour at Lion Country. The kids got to get out of their car seats to look out the window while Papou drove us around.

The Wetlands AGAIN and the Park

We also went to Sugar Sand Park in Boca Raton. This was the best (free) park I have ever been to. They have a HUGE multilevel wooden play structure. I had it easy with just one kid to look after but Jodi on the other hand had a difficult time keeping track of hers.

It doesn't get better than running free with the birds and animals for Karter. We went to the wetlands 2 times while in FL this time. It never gets old!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baby Season

Between Craig and my circle of friends we know 13 women who are pregnant or just had their baby- baby fest!

  • Joe and Johanna - welcomed Claire in Feb
  • Jay and Kate - had a baby boy Aiden in March
  • Judd and Collen - Karter was born on Judd's birthday and their baby is due on Lionel's birthday. (their baby could only be so luckily!)
  • Mike and Liz
  • Jon and Kerry
  • Nick and Christin
  • Jim and Shelly
  • Dina and Anthony
  • Cheryl and Don
  • Maura and Rich
  • Danielle and Brian
  • Shawn and Kelly
  • Jon and Melly

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

D's baby shower

I drove out to LI to Danielle's baby shower. First of all you forget how much stuff you need for a tiny baby. Anyway while I sat there watching D open all her gift I was enjoying all the food (beacuse when you are pregnant that is what you induldge in) the waitress offered me a punch. I happily accepted and enjoyed my drink. After drink #1 I leaned over to Candice and asked if there was alchol because I felt "it". She said no. I then ordered a second and thought to ask the waitress just in case. She replied "yes"....