Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some more new pictures

 Karter in the new hat that Uncle Chris or as Karter calls him "Oh Shit" got him with Danielle's Big Bird costume from 79'
 Karter started to nap again.  He goes to bed around 8:30 now but is a happy boy all day so it's worth the late bed time.
Craig's new beard

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sign Language

Nola started to do the sign for "more" today! 

Here are a few recent pics.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Nola can pull herself up and eat even more at new levels.  She has very little fears and loves to climb into / on to and underneath everything

The Faces of Nola

Sticks her tongue out to lick just about everything

Makes raspberries with her lips

Always smiling and laughing

Family Time!

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terrible twos??

Karter is a very good kid but he is 2 and likes to test his mom.  Lately he likes to do the opposite of what I ask and looks at me and does whatever he is told not to do.  He enjoys to be out and about seeing the world and being around people.  His new thing is wanting to know every one's name... His vocabulary is increasing and he's saying one and two sentences.  He really enjoys school.  He never wants to leave the house or anywhere else without his sister.  His compassion is endless and he loves his Handy Manny tools, Bob the Builder vehicles, and Thomas the trains. 

His best friend is Charlie and his girlfriend at school is Noa.  He tends to follow when he plays with his friends.  He likes someone to take control.. except mom of course.

Miss Independent

Nola is a happy independent little girl.  She gets where she needs to go... holds her bottle (for several months now).... loves her pacifier and pops it in when she wants.  The pacifier and the pacifier leash seems to be her "taggie" or comfort.  Lately I have been saying "mama" and she yells real loud "DA DA DAAA DAAA". 

She can't sit still especially on the changing table... always on the move.  Within the last week she loves to see the world from her feet which means I hold her hands and she puts one foot in front of the other and walks.  She gets the biggest kick out of Lionel and even shares his bones when she gets her hands on them.

Sleeping isn't an issue for Nola except for the fact that she only likes to sleep in HER crib.  She goes to bed around 6pm and wakes around 6am.  Goes back down for a 2 hour nap at 8am... then again around 12.  Today she sleep from 12 - 3:45.  I can brag because Karter was the opposite.  He needed to be soothed to the highest degree.  I have been reading to Nola and she plays for a little then off to dream land. Her crib bumper are permanently pushed down so she can see when someone opens the door.  As soon as the door opens she beems from ear to ear.  Karter is almost always the first one in her room.  He insists to be the first one in.  They truly love each other and get enjoyment from one another.

I can finally do it myself

Nola put her first Gerber "puff" in her mouth today.  As she was working on mastering it Karter would help her every chance he got because it meant he could get a handful for him and one for her.  I was so surprised it took this long because she puts everything in her mouth. 

Craig, Karter and I cheered her on as she put the 5th, 6th and probably 20th in her mouth.  I'm not sure she realized why we were so excited for her but she mastered it by then end of the day!

No more naps

I stopped Karter's naps because when he naps his bed time is between 9 and 10 pm.  It means a long, very long day for me but it's worth it to me to have a quiet night with Craig.   

catching up

Tonight is the second night that Nola has taken her 4:00 nap and not woken up until the morning.  Ok I am assuming its the 2nd.  The first time was 2 weeks ago.