Saturday, May 17, 2008

Recap my 2nd Trimester

When they call the second trimester the "Honeymoon" stage of pregnancy - they're right! I felt the best during this trimester. I had all the energy in the world, although my one complaint is that I didn't sleep very well. I can see how some women love to be pregnant. I finally started to show and people recognized I was pregnant and not just gaining a few pounds. I felt the baby kick for the first time during this trimester, and they haven't stopped since! I have nothing to compare to, but I think my baby is a very active one. I can see my belly move when the baby moves. I sit at work and giggle every time this happens. I also noticed how forgetful I have become and my attention span is pretty much none existent at this point. For example, in meetings at work I have been caught daydreaming on more than one occasion. I have been asked a question and I had to admit that I had no clue what the conversation is about. I have a good excuse though, so I'm not too worried! The one complaint I have is sharp shooting pains in my stomach right below my right breast around my rib. I went to see the doctor because it was pretty painful and he said it sounds like your muscle and ligaments are tearing because your stomach is expanding. He said it in such a nonchalant way, so I guess internal tearing isn't a big problem!