Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec 09'

Bundled up to go out but still eating

Almost time for a hair cut

First snow fall

A night away in Saratoga

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Single Ladies

Dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies video OVER and OVER and OVER again

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009 cont..

Christmas 2009

We had Christmas Eve at my parents house and Christmas day at our house. Karter got spoiled once again with so many nice gifts from everyone! Karter loved the tree (which was 10x smaller this year and out of his reach). His favorite thing was putting the ornaments on the tree.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Boycotting Naps

Karter decided he wasn't going to nap in his crib any more. This was a very scary time for me as I thought he was finished with his naps and my break from him during the day was very important for my sanity. It was especially freighting because I know I would need a break when #2 arrives. I tried everything from getting into his crib with him, letting him cry it out to rocking him to sleep and NOTHING worked. As soon as I put him into the crib he woke and screamed. He had no problem sleeping on me or in the car but when it came to his crib he had no part of it. The way I described it was as taking away a weekend for someone who works full time.

This is the result of not taking a nap during the day. Please look at Lionel still eyeing Karter's food. Lionel ended up pawing at his feet for the left over chicken and woke him.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day weekend

Karter with Aunt Sandy

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov photo shoot

Meagan took some pictures of Karter on a very windy day in the park.

Monday, November 23, 2009

12 week sonogram

Isn't it amazing how developed the fetus looks at just 12 weeks! All of the test came out normal. We had a slight scare. My blood test for Fanconi Anemia came back as a carrier - a rare inherited blood disorder that leads to bone marrow failure. Craig had to get tested to see if he was also a carrier. After a long two weeks of waiting we got the GOOD news that he was not a carrier - so there is no chance of passing it along to our children.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Jack o lantern Grandpa Joe carved for Karter

Karter spent halloween with his friend Shea a very happy dog. Karter was the angry monkey. He screamed bloody murder at any attempted to dress him up in his monkey costume.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 09'

Maslowsky Men

As Stace calls it the "WTF" gesture

Monday, October 26, 2009

And it's official - we're having a baby!

I got an early sonogram to confirm I was pregnant. My symptoms were different than with Karter. I didn't have sore or tender boobs (maybe when my boobs shrunk a size and a half after breastfeeding I lost the sensation in them as well.... haha!!). After seeing the baby I was thankful for the pain free boobs and for the addition to our family!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Karter is going to be a BIG Brother

Karter handed dad the pregnancy test to tell him the exciting news! We are expecting baby #2 in June!! We couldn't be happier and in the same breath can't believe we are going to be starting over. We now know it's worth every sleepless night because it constantly gets more fun with every stage and of course I now know first hand that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

We had our families over for dinner and I put Karter in his "BIG Brother" shirt. It took some time before someone noticed. Chris finally looked at me and asked why Karter was wearing that shirt and he put two and two together!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Karter and his friends

Karter and Shea

Jake loved Karter curls

2 handsome guys in their pink car

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Leo's wedding

My parents watched Karter while we went back to Cali for the second time this summer for a wedding. Leo was getting married and we were on vaca - and vaca it was! We found out about a month later that this is where we conceived baby # 2.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept 09'

Sept was a big month for Karter. He took his first unassisted steps at Rebecca and Chris apartment on the 12th. He pulled himself up on the wall in the hallway and "ran" to me. He got so much enjoy out of it and was so proud of himself. We took the summer session off from Gymboree so when we started up again he saw some "old" friends walking who weren't last time he saw them. I think this inspired him to let go of me (FINALLY) and find his independence. Since he started walking on his own he hasn't been so clinging to me and learned that exploring is alot more fun than being attached to mama's leg.