Monday, January 26, 2009

Even Bigger Baby Boy Karter - 6 months!!

We had Karter's 6 month check up today and he's as healthy as can be! He weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches long. Again in the 90 - 95th percentile.

The past 6 months have been been a roller coaster of emotions. No one can ever prepare you for a baby - the raging hormones, lack of sleep, overwhelming feeling of love, learning how to trust your instincts... Looking back I saw a different side of me. Being a mother is so different than anything else I have experienced in my 30 years. I have a new appreciation for all mothers - especially mine. I learned patience, how to ask for help, how to care for a baby who is so dependant on me and to give 100% of myself not because that is what is expected of me, but because it comes so naturally. It was certainly difficult at times and I cried while he was crying but you get through it all and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I LOVE being Karter's mom. He makes me so happy - more and more each day.

A few things I learned along the way...

  • I got too hung up on a getting him into routine too early.

  • I read too many books and I drove myself somewhat nuts.

  • Go with your gut and talk to your pediatrician.

  • The one thing I didn't realize at first is how much sleep babies need. The better they nap during the day the better they sleep at night.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holidays 2

Christmas and Hanukkah 2008

We went to the Lavaia's this year for Christmas eve. It was the first year at Bonnie's since Frank passed away. We missed him very much and it wasn't the same without him. Stace and her friend Sam joined us for the first time. Hopefully Stace can join us every Christmas eve and make it a new tradition. Christmas day was at our house for the first time. We had 15 people over for dinner. Craig cooked a fantastic meal - lamb and ham with a ton of different sauces. Everyone contributed and everything turned out perfect for Karter's first holiday! For Hanukkah we lit the menorah everynight and Karter got his first dradle.