Monday, January 26, 2009

Even Bigger Baby Boy Karter - 6 months!!

We had Karter's 6 month check up today and he's as healthy as can be! He weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches long. Again in the 90 - 95th percentile.

The past 6 months have been been a roller coaster of emotions. No one can ever prepare you for a baby - the raging hormones, lack of sleep, overwhelming feeling of love, learning how to trust your instincts... Looking back I saw a different side of me. Being a mother is so different than anything else I have experienced in my 30 years. I have a new appreciation for all mothers - especially mine. I learned patience, how to ask for help, how to care for a baby who is so dependant on me and to give 100% of myself not because that is what is expected of me, but because it comes so naturally. It was certainly difficult at times and I cried while he was crying but you get through it all and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I LOVE being Karter's mom. He makes me so happy - more and more each day.

A few things I learned along the way...

  • I got too hung up on a getting him into routine too early.

  • I read too many books and I drove myself somewhat nuts.

  • Go with your gut and talk to your pediatrician.

  • The one thing I didn't realize at first is how much sleep babies need. The better they nap during the day the better they sleep at night.