Sunday, June 21, 2009

Atlantic City, NJ

Yum peas

Celebrity siting - Jenifer Antiston filming "The Bounty" on the board walk

Family photo

Driving to the beach

Cape May
So long story very short my parents gave us a week of their time share to use. We didn't want to fly anywhere so we decided to stay somewhat local and drive to enjoy a family vacation together. The search consisted of Cape Cod (1st choice) NJ shore and we even considered VA beach or Maryland. A call came in that they had a nice 1 bedroom with a large common room and kitchen in AC. She said she would put it on hold and we could think about it but we needed to cancel it within 48 hours if we don't want it. Well 47 hours and 55 mins went by before I remembered to call and cancel but at that point it was to late. We were going to AC for a week.

AC Cont..

Please look at Stace shirt "Gettin Dirty in Jersey" along with Karter's outfit - appropiate if I say so

The scary boardwalk rides

My parents came with Karter and I until Monday because Craig was camping with his dad for the Father's Day weekend. We didn't get good weather but made the best of it. There was an indoor pool for Karter and casinos for us adults. I won some money with my mom and Craig lost some so it all evened out. Stacey came on Tuesday and we had a blast people watching on the boardwalk and spotting JA! She watched Karter one night and Craig and I went out to eat and spend the night together.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Stoneham Zoo

Riding my first bike

North End

Make way for Duckling in the Public Gardens

Recent Pics

Shea and Karter sharing puffs at a local music festival
Caeli and Scott early Sat morning

The whole family before the David Byrne show and night with Bubby and Pappou

He thinks he can get some food but unfortunately he is not Karter.. poor PITA

Love my lollipop

Good times at Nana and Grandpa's

Craig and I went to Nappa Valley CA last weekend for Rich and Megan's wedding and we left Karter and Lionel at their Nana and Grandpa's house for 4 days. Everyone.. including Craig and I, had so much fun. Karter slept better than he usually does in his own bed and I've never seen Barb and Joe happier than to have spent 4 days with their grandson. I don't think Karter missed me because he was spoiled with so much love.

traveling in style

11 month update

Karter just figured out how to praise himself and clap his hands. He's now able to "walk" with someone holding just one hand. His idea of fun these days is:

opening and closing doors
eating.. fav food = watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, french fries, chicken fingers, tofu, wantons and of course his bottle. He's still off dairy. I have been slowly introducing it to him... and has been tolerating it well. I do believe he is allergic to eggs. He has only 2 bottom teeth.

On May 28th I got my first real hug. One of the best moment of my life. It's more of a head to the shoulder and one arm around the neck.. on command I can ask for a hugs and sometime receive it, that is if Karter is in the mood. Lionel is another recipient of hugs.

The bruises and cuts are a regular thing these days. He somewhat cautious but is still banging his head on something.

If I had to describe his personality at 11 months I would say he is a happy baby who knows what he wants. It's not difficult to make Karter laugh and it's the best sound I have ever heard. He enjoys small groups and needs to warm us to a situation or a new environments before he is comfortable. He checks out new faces before he can smile or wave high and always flirts with pretty girls after warming up... his favorite is still his mama

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nappa Valley get-a-way for the Wright wedding

Craig and I enjoyed some husband wife time in Nappa Valley for Rich and Megan's wedding. The travel time was longer than the time spent in CA but was worth the long trip to spend some quality time together and with good friends. Karter bonded with Nana and Grandpa.