Saturday, June 20, 2009

11 month update

Karter just figured out how to praise himself and clap his hands. He's now able to "walk" with someone holding just one hand. His idea of fun these days is:

opening and closing doors
eating.. fav food = watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, french fries, chicken fingers, tofu, wantons and of course his bottle. He's still off dairy. I have been slowly introducing it to him... and has been tolerating it well. I do believe he is allergic to eggs. He has only 2 bottom teeth.

On May 28th I got my first real hug. One of the best moment of my life. It's more of a head to the shoulder and one arm around the neck.. on command I can ask for a hugs and sometime receive it, that is if Karter is in the mood. Lionel is another recipient of hugs.

The bruises and cuts are a regular thing these days. He somewhat cautious but is still banging his head on something.

If I had to describe his personality at 11 months I would say he is a happy baby who knows what he wants. It's not difficult to make Karter laugh and it's the best sound I have ever heard. He enjoys small groups and needs to warm us to a situation or a new environments before he is comfortable. He checks out new faces before he can smile or wave high and always flirts with pretty girls after warming up... his favorite is still his mama