Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec 09'

Bundled up to go out but still eating

Almost time for a hair cut

First snow fall

A night away in Saratoga

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Single Ladies

Dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies video OVER and OVER and OVER again

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009 cont..

Christmas 2009

We had Christmas Eve at my parents house and Christmas day at our house. Karter got spoiled once again with so many nice gifts from everyone! Karter loved the tree (which was 10x smaller this year and out of his reach). His favorite thing was putting the ornaments on the tree.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Boycotting Naps

Karter decided he wasn't going to nap in his crib any more. This was a very scary time for me as I thought he was finished with his naps and my break from him during the day was very important for my sanity. It was especially freighting because I know I would need a break when #2 arrives. I tried everything from getting into his crib with him, letting him cry it out to rocking him to sleep and NOTHING worked. As soon as I put him into the crib he woke and screamed. He had no problem sleeping on me or in the car but when it came to his crib he had no part of it. The way I described it was as taking away a weekend for someone who works full time.

This is the result of not taking a nap during the day. Please look at Lionel still eyeing Karter's food. Lionel ended up pawing at his feet for the left over chicken and woke him.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009