Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Valley Hospital

More Visitors

The Wait

Everyone told me I was having another boy. I disagreed with them for a few reasons. I carried exactly the same as I did with Karter BUT I craved different foods. I wanted vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables. Instead of the berries and melons I ate all the time with Karter I wanted more citrusy fruits and I had less heart burn. The line on my belly came very late this time around too. I gained only 25 pounds this time around vs 30 with Karter. All in all it was a good pregnancy. The big difference was that this time it wasn't all about ME. I was chasing around a toddler for 9 months.

The day before the baby is born..

Waiting very patiently....
Craig and I opted to watch the baby come out. They positioned a mirror for us to watch Dr Dicker deliver the baby. Out he came ..... so I thought. Nola was so swollen down there I though she was a boy. I shouted another boy and they politely said "No you have a beautiful baby girl" and they were absolutely correct - beautiful she is.

Welcome baby NOLA STACEY

Proud parents!!

I decided to get a repeat c section. At first I signed the waiver to try for a vaginal birth then last minute decided on a section. So on the calendar it went. 5/30/2010 was going to be my 2nd baby's birthday (Memorial Day weekend). The baby fits the family just right as she comes into this world on the 30 day of may. Everyone in the Kollarus fam has a 3 in their birthday... Bubby - 5/3 Papou - 12/21 (2+1=3) Uncle Chris - 9/3 Mom - 12/30

The time of the sergury went back and forth. At first it was 8 am the 10am then 12. The anticipation was killing us. Was it a boy or girl??? Well she arrived at 2:36 at 7 pounds and 11 ounces - 19.5 inches. Her name is Nola Stacey Maslowsky. The name Nola doesn't have any connection to New Orleans Louisiana. Craig and I heard it on a Storytellers before Karter was born. One of the audience members stood up and said "My name is Nola and my question for the band is ...blah blah blah.." We both looked at each other and said that's a really nice name. 2 years later we still loved it. Her middle name is after Stacey Maslowsky her Aunt. She shares a birthday with Aunt Donna and she is lucky to do so.

The headline of the local newspaper was "A beautiful start xxxxxx" so true for the Maslowsky Family!

Our Sweet Baby GIRL

The best gift anyone can get - a HEALTHY baby!

Nola's first seconds

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Craig's beard

Craig has been working from home lately and has grown a beard for me. I think he is damn sexy!

Lunch at Big Bubby

and cousin Ira, RaRa and Uncle Howie

Monday, May 17, 2010

Aunty Stace

Aunt Stace has come to visit Karter at least once a month since he has been born. They have obviously have bonded and have a unique relationship.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Aunt Donna

It's always fun when Aunt Donna comes to visit!

Despite the look of terror on Karter's face.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 more weeks to go

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My schedule c section is on the 30th. 2 more weeks to go! I think it's a girl and everyone else "knows" it's a boy. Because I am carrying the same way as I did with Karter. I thought from the beginning that I was going to have whatever my friend Danielle had - she had a baby girl 4 weeks ago so we'll see!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Karter took a nap in his "BIG BOY" bed and went to the bathroom in his big boy potty. This didn't last very long but it's a start!

Saturday, May 1, 2010