Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The best big brother ever

Karter is adjusting well to our new addition.  He is so gentle and kind.  If she is crying he tells us that she needs milk and brings her EVERY single toy that is hers to make her feel better.  He loves to hold her -always hugging and kissing her.  The first words out of his mouth when he wakes up is "bebe?".. to be translated as "Where is Nola I missed her while I was sleeping".  There is a little jealousy but that is to be expected as he is 2 years old.  He never takes it out on her.  I only got hit once out of his frustration that he wasn't getting my undivided attention.  He cried and I cried together and we were over it.

Karter loves his sister very much and I'm not sure if he remembers what life was like before she was born.  When I was pregnant I thought we were having another baby for Craig and I as parents, but I believe that Nola is more for Karter than for us.  And we will always have each other.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big Bubby

We have been visiting Big Bubby in Queens on Tuesdays for almost 2 years now. Their bond grows stronger and stronger over time and they both light up when they see each other. Please notice that BB is sitting in Karter chair.. At 90 there are no limits for the people you love!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My wonderful husband

My hormones were all over the place when I got home from the hospital just like they were with Karter.  I had my fair share of crying for no reason but I expected it because I had the same post pardon blues with Karter.  This time around it lasted for a shorter amount of time.  I attribute this to the tremendous amount of support I got from Craig.  He stayed with me for 4 of the 5 nights in the hospital at my side the whole time.  If he wasn't with me he was taking care of Karter or making sure our family was together.  He told me he had this intense feeling of bringing his family together - that he didn't feel complete without Karter so he picked Karter up almost everyday so we could all be together. 

Craig went above and beyond when we all got home.  He didn't let me lift a finger and did everything around the house.  I didn't have to worry about anything but taking care of my children.  Karter and Craig spent a lot of time together too.  Craig loves his family more than anything else in this world and it was very evident in the past 2 weeks. I met Craig 8 years and never saw him so happy.  We so lucky to have a husband and a father who is so selfless and compassionate. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My mothers day gift

Hand Crafted by Craig Maslowsky
I asked for a planter to grow some vegetables. We don't get enough sunlight on the lawn to dig out a garden so I asked for a wooden planter with wheels to move in and out of the sun on the front patio. This is what he he came up with. It's a real work of art and the best mothers day gift! I am growing:
  • Cucumbers
  • Bell Peppers
  • Banana Pepper
  • Jalapeno Peppers
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Bush Beans
  • Pole Beans
  • Eggplant

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Home sweet home

And we're off. Maslowsky's + 1

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dom Perigon and Fam

Courtesy of Nola's Papou and Bubby!

Some of Nola's visitors

Joy Ride

We took a family walk through the hospital hallways with Nana and Grandpa Joe. Big Brother Karter insisted on driving his new baby sister. As the alarms started to siren and the floor went on "lock down" we realized that the security anklets on the newborns actually do work! Security had to come up and make sure everything was ok as Grandpa and Craig disappeared!

Unforetulely we stopped recording and didn't get anyone's reaction as Nola got wheeled into the danger zone.