Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

N 5 months old

K 5 months old

you forget how bad it was..

I just stepped in Lionel's throw up on our bedroom rug and Nola has been crying for about an hour now. Good way to start your morning... I know if I fed her she would go right back down but that's the whole point- to break these habits. It breaks my heart to hear her cry like this because she very rarely does. I don't know how Craig sleeps through it all - I wish I could. Ok got to go back in - not sure if it makes it better or worse.

The whole thing just sucks. You question - are they in pain, wet diaper, just need some love???

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The wrong kid

Nola was suppose to be the one to cry it out. Well tonight Nola went to bed no problem. Karter on the other hand cried himself to sleep on his bedroom floor. He is 2 and is terrible theses days. He doesn't listen to anything I say and tests me all the time. There is only so much mama can at 9 pm after a day with no nap for Karter. So goodnight baby boy!

Sunday Funday


My Baby Girl

my baby boy

my baby girl

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I started to let Nola cry it out for her naps... haven't had to at night yet. The first day she cried for 10 mins then I went in once and she hummed herself to sleep when I left. Day 2... 1st nap another 10mins and the afternoon nap NO CRYING!! What a different experience than with Karter. Karter's first night of CIO lasted 2.5 hours. Needless to say Nola is doing a great job and making me very happy. I am trying to get her on a schedule. As it stands right now:

  • wakes around 7:00

  • 1st nap at 9:00 - sleeps for about 2 hours

  • 2nd nap 2:00 - sleeps for another 2 plus hours
>>the plan is Karter naps at this time also

  • goes to bed at 8:00

The best part of Karter's bed

Is.... Craig and I (separately) climb into bed with him at night and cuddle with him. It's so relaxing and he never wakes up.

No more boobies

I stopped breast feeding Nola. She has taken to the bottle well. I nursed Karter exclusively for 5 and a half month and made it 5 months with Nola. I had a pretty good stretch and am proud of myself. Nursing is very demanding and time consuming. It's worth ever minute of it and I will miss it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

cereal and more cereal

Nola had her first solid food today - oatmeal mixed with prune juice and water. She LOVED it and sucked down every last spoonful.

Sleeping on her belly

Nola has been rolling over in her crib. Last night and this morning we found her on her stomach. I just checked on her and she is fast asleep on her belly. Let's see if she sleeps any better.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A big week at the Maslowsky household

Yesterday Nola rolled over from her back to front for the first time and again today. I missed both times. I turned around and there she was on her belly happy as can be!

Karter gave up his bottle almost all by himself. He stopped asking for it during when he got up in the morning (since he started sleeping in his bed) we started to distract him when he did ask and then eventually told him the bottles were for Nola. He took milk out of his sippy cup with a straw today!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Nola loves her exersaucer!

Karter LOVES school

I was hesitant for Karter off go to school. Craig and I were the only people to discipline and care for him besides family and friends for short periods of time. The Montibello Jewish Center changed our lives. Karter LOVES school. I show up early every now and then to peek in on him. He runs around the playground with a smile ear to ear laughing and truly having a great time. His friends Charlie and Carson go there BUT I get reports back that he spends most of his time with his "girlfriend" Noa.

Mrs Shelia and Kathy tell me that he loves Gym especially soccer. He is so excited to kick the ball he can hardly sit still until his name is called. When its finally his turn he finished with a victory lap. Jen the Gym teacher tells me I should build a track around my house so he can run and run! He loves music too. Today I got a report back that Karter is getting better at identifying his colors.

Rolling from front to back

Nola rolled from front to back consistently today!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 month check up

Well really 4 and half month check up. She weighs 14 pounds and 12 ounces (75%) and is 25 inches long (55%). I have been giving her 1 bottle a day of formula at 6:00 to give myself a break and to fill her up before bed. The Emfamil made her spit up and the Good Start Soy made her constipated. Dr Montague gave me a sample of the Similac Alimentum and she wants nothing to do with it. So trial and error until we find one that works. I plan on breast feeding until she is 6 months old.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Time for a big boy bed!

Karter moved into his new room and into a big boy bed! He came home from Nana and Joe's house today and I told him he was going to sleep in his new room (that has been set up for months now). I could tell he was a little hesitant when I told him it was time go to bed. I treated bed time as I always did. He did great even with the thunder and lighten storm going on. Here he is sleeping soundly next to baby Nola shinning through the night light next to his bed.