Thursday, October 14, 2010

Karter LOVES school

I was hesitant for Karter off go to school. Craig and I were the only people to discipline and care for him besides family and friends for short periods of time. The Montibello Jewish Center changed our lives. Karter LOVES school. I show up early every now and then to peek in on him. He runs around the playground with a smile ear to ear laughing and truly having a great time. His friends Charlie and Carson go there BUT I get reports back that he spends most of his time with his "girlfriend" Noa.

Mrs Shelia and Kathy tell me that he loves Gym especially soccer. He is so excited to kick the ball he can hardly sit still until his name is called. When its finally his turn he finished with a victory lap. Jen the Gym teacher tells me I should build a track around my house so he can run and run! He loves music too. Today I got a report back that Karter is getting better at identifying his colors.