Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Never say Never

I never thought Lionel would lash out at the kids but when provoked enough I should never say never.  I wasn't there to see what happened....  I heard Lionel growl and ran in to see what was going on.  What I did see was Lionel in his bed with his bone with Karter beside him bleeding from the face.  My best guess is that Karter got into Lionel's bed and got rough with him and possibly hurt him and Lionel retaliated or protected himself. 

Of course Craig was working late and it was Nola's bedtime... so the panic set in after seeing all the blood.  I found a safe place to put Nola down so I could check out his wound.  Surprisingly Karter wasn't in too much pain and let me clean his lip out and put ice on it.  I was about to run next door to get a second opinion when the door bell rang.  It was an Optimum Online rep trying to sell me her services.  I had no interest in what she had to say but I was very inviting.  I asked her to come in and look at Karter.  She thought he might need stitches - exactly what I didn't want to hear but thought myself.  I called my parents to come over and Craig to tell him what happened.  My mom said she didn't think the cut was deep enough for stitches but I thought differently.  When Craig got home we made the decision to take him over to the walk in pediatric place.

We didn't even get through the paper work to get seen by a doctor because the nurse at the front desk said he is going to need stitches and there wasn't a plastic sergeant in their practice.  She set us up with Dr Korngold who would see us at Good Sam around 10:00 so we should go home and wait for a phone call to head to the hospital.  My mom stayed with Nola while he anxiously waited......

We got to the hospital around 10:30 and didn't get seen until 12:00 -  YES midnight.  Dr Korngold looked at me and said "if you don't think you can handle seeing him in a straight jacket yelling and screaming than you probably don't want to be there".  I agreed with him and Craig steeped up to the plate to hold his head while he got the nova cane and the 3 stitches.  I heard him crying from the waiting room- which absolutely broke my heart.  10 - 15 mins later they came out and both looked miserable.  Karter was pawing at his face saying "no more bo bo"  I grabbed him and held him as held him as tight as I could.  We all got in the car and left.  I give Craig A LOT of credit seeing his son go through that. I couldn't of done and thanked Craig over and over.  On the way home Craig was so upset he broke down and cried.  He was so brave and strong through the whole experience.  I think I felt the worse the for him...  for his family Craig will do anything. 
Karter and Lionel snuggling up before the incident
On Friday Karter fell asleep in his high chair eating dinner.  We all got to bed at 2:00 fri morning.  It was the first time Karter in our bed with us.
His "bo bo" face
Still best buds.  He came home from the hospital and gave Lionel a big hug and kiss.  Yes we are keeping Lionel around.  If I thought he was a threat to my kids or anyone else he would be gone in a second.  I truly think he was provoked and he is no more of a threat than any other dog.