Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The first POOP

It took 1.5 weeks to go poop on the toilet.  We promised Karter we would get him James the train as soon as he went poop in the big boy potty.  Tonight at 7:30 he took his first poop!  I'm not sure he even realized he went because he was as surprised as I was!!  We ran out to get James - well that was our intent.  We couldn't find James but we came home with a whole train set with 3 different Thomas Trains and tracks.

So far the peeing has not been an issue.  He only had 2 or 3 accidents.  Now he tells me he has to pee instead of me putting him on the toilet every 45 mins.  He did catch on quick and because of that he gave his diapers to Nola and Baby Jack!