Sunday, February 28, 2010

Speech Therapy

Dr. Montague suggested I get Karter tested to see if he qualified for speech therapy services. Based on her milestones Karter should be saying approximately 50 words at 18 months. He got tested in Nov and didn't qualify because the cumulative score of all his languages weren't at the 33% delay it need to be to get services. His receptive language or what he understood was at a 22 month old level but his speech was only at a 9 month old. I pushed to have him re tested in Feb because he was only saying mama and dada. After being a bit assertive they granted me another evaluation and with a little exaggeration and help from the therapist who evaluated him by embellishing some of the #s he qualified. I know I shouldn't be so excited for my son to be below mark and qualify for services but I was. I really wanted him to get some extra help and start talking and expressing himself through words and not gestures and signs.

He hasn't been getting to frustrated trying to express himself because he is a great charades player and together we can figure out what he wants or what he is trying to tell me.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

West Palm Zoo and Playdoh

No one can compete with Grandpa Joe's playdoh skills!

He doesn't stop eating

Loves the animals

Karter SMILE...

This is what Karter does when you ask him to smile.. not sure where he learned it from??

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Beach

Tuscany Bay

Karter very favorite thing to do in FL was watch the birds in the lake behind the house and feed them and of course himself bread. He enjoyed the pool too even though it was chilly.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Animals of the wetlands

The Wetlands

About 2 miles from my parents place in Boynton Beach are wetlands with a mile boardwalk and Karter's favorite place! He abosultely loved running down the boardwalk and stopping to watch all the birds and animals.

Freedom in FL

The plan was to escape the winter snow and cold for alittle over 2 weeks in FL like we did last year. All our plans were perfect - the first week my parents were coming then Barb, Joe and Stace were to arrive the following week... giving us a couple of days together as a family. Well when you don't reserve an actual seat on your airtran flight and they overbook the flight there is a good chance that you will not get on your flight even though you have a ticket. After getting to the airport we got sent home. They were kind enough to re book our flight for 6 days later cutting our vacation down by a week. But once we got there life was good! Everyone but my dad was able to make it... it was a little cold for FL but we weren't in NY freezing and we got a few nice days to run around in shorts and t shirts - or completely NAKED.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Karter and Jake - Through the YEAR

Lake George in Feb

CT Aquarium in Jan

Hanging on the couch Nov 09'

Karter and Jake cont..

At Kristin's beach house summer 09'

Driving up to LG

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Best Buds napping together

Like I mentioned Karter decided to boycott his naps. Until one day when I tried a new tactic. I was desperate for him to start napping again and for me to get some well needed alone time. This was right around the time when we all caught the stomach bug and we were trapped in the house for a week because Karter had the worse diarrhea and diaper rash ever. I pulled out the sofa bed in the living room so we could lay down and relax all day. He was so relaxed that he was falling asleep while watching tv. This was a great time despite the terrible week of being so sick. Since then he is back to napping (in our bed) and sleeping for 1 - 2 hours.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Diarrhea and Diaper Rash

Karter and I caught the nasty stomach bug that was going around while we were up in Lake George. I got it and thought sending Karter and Craig to my parents for the night they would avoid catching it. Well that backfired because Karter, Craig and my mom ended up getting it. Karter had such bad diarrhea he had the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. It was so pitiful to see him in so much pain. It got so bad that he was bleeding. We tried 3 differnt rx cream (even spent $300 on vusion cream to get him better because our insurance didn't cover it) and nothing helped. Dr Montague finally looked at him and said it was a burn and not a typical yeast infection that diaper rash is... so she prescribed silverdine burn cream and it started to clear up. It was so bad he has battle scars on his butt. This was the first time I heard painful cries from Karter. One night I was crying with him and felt so helpless. As a mom I wanted nothing more than to alleviate his pain and discomfort even if it meant I would take it on myself.