Friday, February 19, 2010

Freedom in FL

The plan was to escape the winter snow and cold for alittle over 2 weeks in FL like we did last year. All our plans were perfect - the first week my parents were coming then Barb, Joe and Stace were to arrive the following week... giving us a couple of days together as a family. Well when you don't reserve an actual seat on your airtran flight and they overbook the flight there is a good chance that you will not get on your flight even though you have a ticket. After getting to the airport we got sent home. They were kind enough to re book our flight for 6 days later cutting our vacation down by a week. But once we got there life was good! Everyone but my dad was able to make it... it was a little cold for FL but we weren't in NY freezing and we got a few nice days to run around in shorts and t shirts - or completely NAKED.