Sunday, February 28, 2010

Speech Therapy

Dr. Montague suggested I get Karter tested to see if he qualified for speech therapy services. Based on her milestones Karter should be saying approximately 50 words at 18 months. He got tested in Nov and didn't qualify because the cumulative score of all his languages weren't at the 33% delay it need to be to get services. His receptive language or what he understood was at a 22 month old level but his speech was only at a 9 month old. I pushed to have him re tested in Feb because he was only saying mama and dada. After being a bit assertive they granted me another evaluation and with a little exaggeration and help from the therapist who evaluated him by embellishing some of the #s he qualified. I know I shouldn't be so excited for my son to be below mark and qualify for services but I was. I really wanted him to get some extra help and start talking and expressing himself through words and not gestures and signs.

He hasn't been getting to frustrated trying to express himself because he is a great charades player and together we can figure out what he wants or what he is trying to tell me.