Tuesday, February 26, 2008

1st Trimester

When it comes to my first trimester, I consider myself one of the lucky few who didn't have to deal with morning sickness and all the fun that sometimes comes along with those first few months. During mine, I never got sick or nausea enough to vomit. The worst it got was one morning when Craig was driving me into work I got really hot and nauseous. I wanted him to pull over but we were in traffic getting out of the tunnel. I had made the mistake of waking up without putting something in my stomach, then went to workout and rushed out the door so we weren't late for work. This was the only time I felt sick enough to puke.

I took the doctor's advice and from that point on I have made sure I eat something as soon as I wake up in the morning. I just felt overly tired and whenever I got the chance, I took a nap or slept through a movie on the couch. My biggest complaint was tender breasts which lasted for a couple months. I wasn't able to sleep on my stomach without putting down a soft blanket to cushion myself. I did get spells of lightheadedness or dizziness if I got up to quickly. My sense of smell was heightened, but I didn't get any cravings. I had more food aversions and therefore stuck to bland foods and ate smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. I did notice and so did Craig that I become more irritated and annoyed with people and situations. I was able to work out and even run, at a slower pace than normal, throughout the entire 1st trimester. I believe I was so lucky because I took care of my body by eating well, exercising and keeping a positive attitude.