Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Telling Our Families The Great News

After finding out I was pregnant, Craig and I were itching to tell our families about the news right from the start. But we wanted to make sure to do it in person, and it just so happened that Thanksgiving was right around the corner and we planned to be in Guilderland and Nanuet in the same week. Even though we had it all planned out, we figured out quickly that things don't always happen exactly the way you plan them. Unfortunately, our good news came at the same time as some of the worst news we've heard in a while...

We were on our way to Rockland County to take my parents on a surprise anniversary weekend (Nov 16th) and to share our news when we got the news. Frank Lavaia, a very close family friend, had suffered a heart attack picketing with the stagehands, his co-workers, on Broadway in NYC. About an hour after that phone call I received the news that Frank passed away. Unfortunately, Frank never heard our great news and will never meet our baby, but I know from the bottom of my heart he would have loved our baby almost as much as his own grandson. We miss you Frank! We decided to postpone our anniversary celebration weekend so we can spend time with the Lavaia's. During such a sad weekend we decided to tell my parents and brother our news. We went to sushi to "celebrate" the beginning of one life and the good memories of another. Even though we only told my immediate family, somehow half of Rockland County found out and some of LI...mom, I have no idea how! Do you?

We stayed in Rockland for Thanksgiving, then on Friday went to Albany for Craig's high school reunion and to tell his parents, sister, Aunt Rose and Aunt Sandy. Craig came up with the idea to write my due date on a piece of paper, roll it up and tie it with a piece of ribbon. We called Stace on the phone and told the family that we had a gift for them. They opened the paper and read the date out loud. It took Joe about 5 secs to guess that is was my due date and we were having a baby!

That weekend we went to Craig's 10 year high school reunion in style (or were we looking ridiculous?!) thanks to Eddie reserving us a limo. I must admit though, I did a really great job pretending like I was drinking beer or cranberry and vodkas all night! I also went to my 10 year reunion that weekend. It was an open bar at Vertigo in Nyack, NY. I once again did a great job spilling out half of my beer every time I went to the bathroom and pretended like I was drinking all night. Vanessa and I even took advantage of last call and got 3 beers each. Craig was very happy to see me and have 3 free beers (he met me after the reunion was over and the bar opened to the public).