Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How We First Found Out We Were Having a Baby

On Wednesday, November 7, Craig picked me up from work. We both had a stressful day and stopped to pick up some beers before going home. I recommended we stop at CVS to pick up a pregnancy test before having a beer, just in case.

After arriving home Craig took the Lionel out and I went into the bathroom to pee on the stick like I had been doing every few weeks for the past 3 or 4 months. This time was different than all the rest though, this time it came back positive... Craig was out walking Lionel for what seemed like 3 hours, not 3 minutes. He finally opened the door and I was right there to greet him with, "I think I'm pregnant...". Even though this was what we had been hoping for for months, we were in total shock and disbelief. We didn't even believe the accuracy of the 99% accurate test, so we walked over to CVS and bought another brand just to find out that the first test was just as accurate as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th one I took...and the one's Craig took for that matter. For the last of our many tests, I made Craig pee on the stick. This was the the final proof that our lives had changed forever...In a great way of course!