Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ultrasound At 18 Weeks

Here is your first look at Baby Maslowsky (18 weeks)! According to the weekly update I get on email, our baby is approximately 5.5 inches long, the length of a bell pepper in case anyone needed a visual, and weighs about 7 ounces.
At the appointment, our Dr. said we have a healthy, "perfect" baby. This is the best news we have ever received! Through the sonogram we were able to see the baby moving his/her arms and legs, but I can't feel anything yet. I am doing really well and have been truly enjoying the pregnancy with every day that goes by. I have all my energy, until about 9:00 pm when I can't keep my eyes open anymore, but what else is new?
I've been keeping busy with work and my social life on the weekends. My only complaints are heartburn and waking up a couple times a night to use the bathroom or to eat handfuls of tums. I am starting to show or get the "baby bump". I have about 1 more week in my jeans then I'll need to get a bigger waist size or start looking at maternity clothes.

Since we started this a bit late we'll do our best to fill in the missing time in the next few blogs!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your little belly is so cute! Although I'm pretty sure mine looked bigger after spending a weekend eating non-stop the last time I came to visit you.