Sunday, March 16, 2008

In need of a change

So I got a haircut...

Friday, March 14, 2008

2nd Anniversary and Babymoon

Craig and I just booked our "babymoon" to FL from Wed April 30th - Sun May 4th. We will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary too, wow how time flies. According to Wikipedia - A babymoon is a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby - A.K.A. - a great excuse to travel....

Dr Appointment at 22 Weeks

I had my 22 week check up yesterday. I waited over an hour for the Dr. to listen the baby's heartbeat. The heartbeat is strong at 138 beats per minute and he said it sounds like a boy. He followed that statement up with "that's as accurate as flipping a coin and calling heads". Only time will tell…

I asked him about birthing classes and he recommended Prepared Childbirth (a comprehensive coverage of all stages of pregnancy, labor and birth, comfort measures and medical interventions) and Breastfeeding Basics. Craig wants to take Infant and Child CPR so we'll probably sign up for that as well. I also asked him his opinion on saving the bloodcord and he said he is a strong believer in spending the money to store it. After seeing a special on The Today Show about a boy who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy but is now showing fewer signs of the disorder and marked improvement after an infusion of his own stem cells — made possible by the preservation of his own cord blood shortly before birth, I will save mine.

In about 4 weeks I am going to go for the Glucose Challenge Testing. It's to check for gestational diabetes, a high blood sugar condition that some women get during pregnancy. I have been warned by a couple of woman that the stuff you have to drink tastes like a very sweet soda and even though it comes in cola, orange, or lime flavor it tastes like sh*t. On top of that you have to get all of it down in five minutes. I’ll give you an update in about a month…

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sleep or Lack There Of and Baby Pez

Experts say “Hormonal changes during pregnancy make you dream more frequently and vividly. And you may be remembering more of your dreams if you're regularly waking up during the night, interrupting phases of dream-filled REM sleep.” I can relate to both points.

1. Waking up regularly during the night. It has been getting worse through out my pregnancy. I was waking up a few times a night to go to the bathroom in the beginning. These past few weeks I am still waking up to go to the bathroom. On top of that I am waking up because I can’t get comfortable. The Dr said I can’t sleep or lay on my back anymore and the best position to sleep in is on my left side. Apparently it improves the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and it helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body. So that said - I wake up paranoid that I am sleeping on my back or right side and my baby isn't getting enough blood or nutrients. I also can’t get comfortable in one position all night but I don’t really have any other options besides my left side. I sleep with a body pillow on my left side, a smaller pillow on my right side to keep me propped up so I don’t roll over, and Lionel attached to any part of my body he can find. I can only imagine it’s going to get worse. Unfortunately once I’m up it’s difficult to get back to bed. The strange part is that it hasn’t been affecting me during the day that much.

2. Dreaming more frequently and vividly. Can I add - more intense and stranger dreams than normal... While I was in FL I had a dream that I was pregnant, but couldn’t determine for how long. All of a sudden the baby wasn’t in my belly anymore. Pez, let’s call the baby for now, is sitting on the table on a diaper because Pez just pooped for the first time. The strange part was that Pez was part baby - part Pez dispenser, yes had Pez legs and feet. Not sure what to make of that…. The only thing that makes “sense” is that I was supposed to see Jon Bonita that weekend. He is a high school friend who bought me a Pez dispenser for my birthdays throughout high school. The next bizarre twist was that it was now time to insert the baby back into my belly. I woke up before I found out how that was going to happen.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Boyton Beach, FL with the Kollarus Family

We arrived in FL last night! Surprisingly we took off early from Logan, but unfortunately that didn't mean we landed early. We hit some bad weather coming down the coast and got in about an hour late. The baby was kicking for about a half hour on the plane. Craig was able to feel the kicks with me, so despite the delays, we both sat there with smiles on our faces, happy as could be. The baby was just as happy to get out of Boston as I was. Work has been pretty stressful and I'm sure the baby feels the affects every now and then. I attended my first yoga class on Tuesday, hoping the breathing, stretching and meditation will help me cope with some of my stress. I am going to do my best to get to the gym every Tues during lunch for an hour of yoga and do my prenatal yoga video once a week.

My mom and I went shopping for maternity clothes. Old Navy had a great selection and I got 2 pairs on jeans and a ton of shirts. Thanks to my mom I'll be comfortable for at least the next couple of months! We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing in the sun, eating and enjoying each other's company. The people-watching at dinner on Atlantic Ave Sat night was unbelievable. My new Old Navy and Target maternity wardrobe definitely didn't fit in with the Armani and Gucci fashion show down Atlantic Ave. All in all, it was a great night though.

My mom started to knit a baby blanket while she was in FL, surprisingly in green. I was shocked it wasn’t pink considering she really wants a grandDAUGHTER. Every time I refer to the baby as he/ him I get corrected and reminded that the baby is a she/her. Thanks to Suzanne at 1:15 Sunday morning we got some pretty good ideas on baby names.... I told you we weren't going to share any of our names, but I will let you know that Jorge is in the top 50.

Last Weekend Queens with Bubby

Last weekend Craig and I went to Queens to visit my Bubby (grandma in Yiddish) and the baby's Great Bubby to take her out to dinner for her birthday. She just turned 88 years old and is the most independent, active woman I know.

Before we went to Queens we stopped at YaYa's (grandma in Greek) nursing home to tell her our news. YaYa has Alzheimers Disease and has trouble recognizing her family. She had trouble understanding at first, but when I stood up to show YaYa my belly, I think she understood that I was having a baby and she was going to be a Great YaYa for the first time. When we left, I got the biggest hug and she had the nicest smile on her face as we left the room.

When we got to Bubby's, she had the table set up for brunch for Craig, Lionel and I. Lionel ate very well this weekend thanks to Bubby sharing her bagel, cream cheese and lox with him. After Bubby stuffed our faces with food we went to shopping for maternity clothes. Bubby took me to Pea in the Pod where she took my mom for her maternity clothes. The sales woman had me try on half the store and I walked out with my first pair of maternity jeans and three shirts. Bubby insisted to buy the clothes and agreed that we could take her out for dinner. It was a tough battle but Bubby final caved in and agreed to let her grandchildren take her out to dinner. We stopped at the Knobler's house to visit my RaRa (my aunt), Uncle Howie and Shari. Ira and his girlfriend Debra came back to Bubby's where we met Chris before then all went to dinner. We had a great weekend with Bubby and as we left, decided we should definately do it more often.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


About a week ago after dinner, I was sitting on the couch (Maura it's not what you're thinking) and I felt bubbles in my lower stomach. I didn't mention anything to Craig until it happened 2 more times. I told him I think the baby was moving and he put his hand on my stomach and was able to feel it too. It was an incredible moment. I felt 'bubbles' a few more times since then, but not a dramatic and last week. I think the baby really liked the pork I made that night, or more likely, hated it was letting me know...

8 Museum Way Unit 508

The baby is “forcing” us sell the condo, so we rented a storage unit to get all our clutter out so we can "stage" it to make it seem like there is more than enough room for 2 people and a dog to live comfortably in 690 square feet. The condo has never been more tidy and organized. Unfortunately we haven’t gotten a bid yet, but when we do you will be the first to know...

Take a look!

Let It Be

Craig is taking guitar lessons to play the baby songs. Chris will play the harmonica, and I'll sing of course, haha... If anyone has ever heard me sing, you know that this won't help the baby fall asleep, but it will most likely give them nightmares....

Shout out to Lionel

My cousin Ira's girlfriend painted this picture of Lionel, Marty and Me from Labor Day weekend 2006. I'm not sure how Lionel is going to deal with the baby. I'm pretty sure he'll want to play with all of the baby's toys, considering he stared at the stuffed animal that Stace got the baby that was on the coffee table for about an hour... He couldn't figure out why he couldn't bring the stuffed animal into his bed to decapitate it and tear out the stuffing. The only thing I'm concerned about is the excessive licking. Barb has reassured Lionel that he will not be left in the dark once the baby is born by taunting him with pictures of babies and telling him he'll soon be second.

Lionel is headed to a dog "hotel" this weekend for the first time while we're in Florida, details to come...

Dani's 29th Birthday and New Years Eve 2007

I had the perfect 29th birthday. Craig, Lionel and I spent the day relaxing in the condo. Craig made me a lunch using my favorite foods and ingredients. See picture below... Lobster, avocado and cucumber salad... Mango, shrimp and grapefruit salad... Shrimp roll and naan bread.

Monday, Stace flew into town and we went to Jay and Kate's house to celebrate new years eve with Joe and Johanna. It was low key for the most part. I drank my 'fre' wine while everyone else sipped on beers and wine.