Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sleep or Lack There Of and Baby Pez

Experts say “Hormonal changes during pregnancy make you dream more frequently and vividly. And you may be remembering more of your dreams if you're regularly waking up during the night, interrupting phases of dream-filled REM sleep.” I can relate to both points.

1. Waking up regularly during the night. It has been getting worse through out my pregnancy. I was waking up a few times a night to go to the bathroom in the beginning. These past few weeks I am still waking up to go to the bathroom. On top of that I am waking up because I can’t get comfortable. The Dr said I can’t sleep or lay on my back anymore and the best position to sleep in is on my left side. Apparently it improves the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and it helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body. So that said - I wake up paranoid that I am sleeping on my back or right side and my baby isn't getting enough blood or nutrients. I also can’t get comfortable in one position all night but I don’t really have any other options besides my left side. I sleep with a body pillow on my left side, a smaller pillow on my right side to keep me propped up so I don’t roll over, and Lionel attached to any part of my body he can find. I can only imagine it’s going to get worse. Unfortunately once I’m up it’s difficult to get back to bed. The strange part is that it hasn’t been affecting me during the day that much.

2. Dreaming more frequently and vividly. Can I add - more intense and stranger dreams than normal... While I was in FL I had a dream that I was pregnant, but couldn’t determine for how long. All of a sudden the baby wasn’t in my belly anymore. Pez, let’s call the baby for now, is sitting on the table on a diaper because Pez just pooped for the first time. The strange part was that Pez was part baby - part Pez dispenser, yes had Pez legs and feet. Not sure what to make of that…. The only thing that makes “sense” is that I was supposed to see Jon Bonita that weekend. He is a high school friend who bought me a Pez dispenser for my birthdays throughout high school. The next bizarre twist was that it was now time to insert the baby back into my belly. I woke up before I found out how that was going to happen.