Friday, March 14, 2008

Dr Appointment at 22 Weeks

I had my 22 week check up yesterday. I waited over an hour for the Dr. to listen the baby's heartbeat. The heartbeat is strong at 138 beats per minute and he said it sounds like a boy. He followed that statement up with "that's as accurate as flipping a coin and calling heads". Only time will tell…

I asked him about birthing classes and he recommended Prepared Childbirth (a comprehensive coverage of all stages of pregnancy, labor and birth, comfort measures and medical interventions) and Breastfeeding Basics. Craig wants to take Infant and Child CPR so we'll probably sign up for that as well. I also asked him his opinion on saving the bloodcord and he said he is a strong believer in spending the money to store it. After seeing a special on The Today Show about a boy who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy but is now showing fewer signs of the disorder and marked improvement after an infusion of his own stem cells — made possible by the preservation of his own cord blood shortly before birth, I will save mine.

In about 4 weeks I am going to go for the Glucose Challenge Testing. It's to check for gestational diabetes, a high blood sugar condition that some women get during pregnancy. I have been warned by a couple of woman that the stuff you have to drink tastes like a very sweet soda and even though it comes in cola, orange, or lime flavor it tastes like sh*t. On top of that you have to get all of it down in five minutes. I’ll give you an update in about a month…