Sunday, July 27, 2008

Labor and Delivery and Post Pardom

My contrations started Sunday (7/20) around 2:00. Craig and I were at the hospital ealier that morning due to a false alarm. To be blunt - I thought my water broke but it didn't. Apparently when you are 9 months preganat with a 9 pound baby in your belly it easy to pee your pants and not even know it.

The contractions started getting intense around 5 or 6:00. Craig was timing them and by 10:30pm they were about 5 mins apart and lasted 45 sec to a min. I was in enough pain to take a second trip to the hospital. After the 3rd phone call that day to the Dr he meet us at the hospital again and said I was in labor!! After being sent home ealier that day slightly embaressed and disappointed that we weren't going to meet our baby as soon as we thought I was thrilled! At the point I was 90% effaced and 1.5 centimeters dilated.

The Dr broke my water and started potocin. I was in the labor and delivery room for about 45 mins before the anistialogist came in to give me the epidural. The contractions were so strong and intense I was wincing and almost in tears from the pain. I give every woman who delivers naturally so much credit and respect them on a whole different level. Once the epidural kicked in the pain was almost non existent comparatively.

Unfortunately I had to have a c section. I had one long contraction that pushed Karter down the birthing canal. There was a cord wrapped around his neck and we watched his heart rate drop from 130 to 60. About 10 doctors rushed in and I almost had to have an emergency section. It was so frighten not knowing what was going on.... his heart rate came back up and they stopped the potocin. After 3 hours the Dr re assessed the situation and thought a c section was the safest thing for me and Karter. Craig was behind the curtain with me holding my hand and supporting me the whole time. Within 30 - 40 mins we heard Karter's cry and got to bond with him after the Dr checked him out. He scored a 9 out of 10 on the apgar. They don't give 10 so Karter was as healthy as they get!!

Craig and I we then brought up to the 9th floor to recover for the next 4 days. We had a corner room with a flat screen tv, room service and nurse service with a push of a button. We were treated like gold and the nurses were so informative and helpful. I had a great experience at the hospital. They even offered a bath class and breast feeding class.

Thanks everyone who came by to meet Karter!